
We have had limited success with growing Georgia’s big crop. While Daniel and Haley were in town escaping the California pandemic, they were involved with the garden and planted cantaloupes and watermelon. The kids were long gone before the melons became ripe. Of the several harvested, only one was tasty enough to replace Harris Teeter’s supply.

Although the kids are gone, we have had “volunteer” melons almost every year as a reminder.


Okra became our goto crop pretty soon after we started the garden. Luckily, okra has few predators and the first we found was a cicada. You can grow the veggie for 6 months of the year and they love the hot weather. BB has cooked it several ways and we enjoy it roasted or air fried.


The potato is grown under ground which is a common theme for our best process. We have organic starter potatoes delivered then we cut them up into quarters and sock them into the ground. Water them and watch them grow. Pretty amazing really.


Our cash crop, well, we don’t sell any, but we fill the fridge each spring and cook with onions daily into the fall. Lucky for us, no animals like them and they require little maintenance. The shoots are delivered from Videlia and technically are a Texas Sweet onion as you can only grow videlias in the three county area surrounding Videlia Georgia. You might say that it is like bourbon in Kentucky.

We start around 700 each year and after about 90 days we dry them and place them in the fridge. BB adds them to most every dish as well as dices and freeze several pounds.


We started one plot at the garden about 10 years ago. Bob and Denise were in town the week we started the garden. We had to till it up, haul off the weeds and plant the first crop. Denise was sure she needed a pedicure after the ordeal. It was good to get the help.